Pastor Trish Johnsen

Posted By Webmaster on Aug 27, 2018 |

My name is Trish Johnsen and I serve First UMC as the Associate Pastor. I began on staff here in April of 2018 as the Children’s Ministry Director. In April of 2023 I finished my licensing to become a licensed local pastor in the United Methodist Church. In addition to assisting Pastor Nancy in pastoral responsibilities, I oversee children and youth programming and direct Messy Church. I am a Messy Church USA Ambassador and certified trainer, as well as a certified Fresh Expressions Pioneer Coach. I also serve part time with the Indiana United Methodist Conference as the Associate Director of Church Development, where my role is to assist other churches in the conference to explore and establish new ways of being church and discipling in their communities. I live in Michigan City with my husband, Chris and our grown son, Billy. We share our home with three rescue animals. When not working, I enjoy reading, being outside in the sunshine, and spending time with my husband. In the summer, you will often find us in “Orange Crush”, our bright orange classic Ford truck.