First United Methodist Church, Michigan City


Welcome to the First United Methodist Church of Michigan City!  All are welcome as we lift our spirits in praise and worship, our minds in study, and our hearts in mission and service.

We are currently in the process of redoing our webpage, so please disregard any outdated information.

Important Notice:

We are currently worshiping at Rittenhouse Village (4300 Cleveland Ave, Michigan City) on Sundays at 9:30. We will post here where other activities will take place. You will also find up to date information on our Facebook page.


Our Christmas Eve service is at 3:30 at Rittenhouse. We hope to see you there!

Saint Paul Lutheran Church has offered us office space while we are out of our building. Pastor Nancy will hold office hours as posted each week.

You may call the church number at 219-872-7200. Please give it time to switch over to Pastor Nancy’s cell phone and leave a message if she does not answer. She will get back with you as soon as she can!


You may make your usual donations on the donation page.