How We Share Our Gifts for Ministry
This congregation is blessed with a strong music program that enhances our worship. We use a wide variety of musical styles to lead us in praise of God. Hand bells, choirs, bands – all are engaged in worship on a regular basis. Our worship style is laid back. Sometimes the pastor is robed sometimes not. Some of our folks dress in suits and ties and others in jeans and sandals. We have a Sunday morning children’s program called God’s Club, as well as our Thursday evening program Try It You’ll Love it, where in addition to faith based activities, children are allowed to try musical instruments (right now keyboard and bells) while building relationships with faithful adults. We have small groups and Bible studies that help us connect with one another and the world. Our youth are integrated into the congregation providing leadership and learning in the music program, serving as ushers and communion stewards, and learning together in Sunday School.
How Do We Share Our Gifts for Service
We are the founding congregation for the local soup kitchen and serve more than 100 women, men, and children twice a week. We participate in the local First Friday program, providing space (and community) for artists to showcase their work and offer space for local school children to show their work as well. We founded the Clothesline Ministry which provides school uniforms for children and youth. This year we provided 22 backpacks, financial support, and bags of school supplies for the local schools, additionally, we are collecting personal care items for the Open Door sharing closet at Michigan City High School. We support UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief) through financial and material donations. We have a Hat and Mitten Tree called the Warming Tree in the winter months (literally, hats and mittens are hung on trees outside for anyone who would like to have them).